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Zotz! overview

Zotz! is an enjoyable time-waster, a form of perceptual practice, good for training the brain and the eyes; there is no timer and no score, no pressure, just a simple challenge waiting for you whenever you like.

The game supposes a deck of cards, where each card has four attributes, and each attribute on any given card has one of three possible values: Number (one, two, or three), Color (red, blue, or green), Fill (solid, hazy, or empty), and Shape (diamond, oval, or rectangle).

All you have to do is to spot, amongst the visible cards, any three cards which, for each attribute, are either all identical or all different.

Colors, middle fill type, and the number of cards in the layout can all be customized. Full instructions, with examples, are included.

What’s new in version 1.8

Version 1.8:
  • Updated to iOS 12 and Swift 4.2
  • Changed state-saving architecture
View older Zotz! versions

Zotz! for Mac

In English
Version 1.8
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