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xPocket for Mac

Control an X-10 Model CP290 from your iOS device.

In English

xPocket overview

xPocket is a Web app to control an X-10 Model CP290 Computer Interface from an iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. Install xPocket on a Mac with an attached CP290. Nothing is installed on your iOS device and it doesn't need to be jail-broken. You will have to edit an HTML file, but HTML skills are not necessary. Requires the built-in web server to be configured and activated.

What’s new in version 2.1

Version 2.1:

Note: Although Finder indicates no version number for this application, the developer refers to it as version 2.1.

  • Recompiled xPocket.cgi as a 64 bit binary
  • Updated web server info for macOS 10.15
View older xPocket versions

xPocket for Mac

In English
Version 2.1
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(1 Reviews of xPocket)

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Oct 20 2019
Oct 20 2019
Version: 2.1
While I admire that this developer is still support X-10 garbage, after long term experiences with it I have totally removed the crap from my entire home and replaced it with Z-Wave and a Vera Hub as I was simply fed up with the agony of using it, especially the security system as it is unreliable, inconsistent in operation, led to endless frustration, breaking down, and support for the hardware is horrible and useless to non existent. It is also expensive to operation as it constantly needed batteries (security) and the modules are power suckers. My electric bill went significantly down after getting rid of X10. Getting rid of it changed my life as I lived in fear of opening an armed window or door, because doing so might mean I would be spending 20 minutes resetting my entire security system to get it to work again. I now have arrived at the opinion that anyone using X10 these days must be a masochist.
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