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XMLLib osax for Mac

Scripting Addition implements XML DOM in AppleScript.

In English

XMLLib osax overview

XMLLib osax is a Scripting Addition which implements the XML DOM in AppleScript. Features include:

  • opening, validating, closing, saving an XML document
  • browsing an XML tree - parents, children, siblings
  • searching an XML tree - sending a XPATH request
  • editing, creating, removing an XML node
  • searching text in an XML node
  • applying a XSLT stylesheet
  • handling XLinks

XMLLib carries references rather than data or object specifiers, so a script can process large XML documents as fast as if you had been writing a C program - yet, in a more comfortable environment.

Also includes a similar set of commands for Property lists (p-lists). Transparently store AppleScript objects in p-lists. Provide a fast lookup table (or "dictionary", or "associative array") structure.

What’s new in version 3.7.0

Version 3.7.0:
  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
View older XMLLib osax versions

XMLLib osax for Mac

In English
Version 3.7.0
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