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XML Edita overview

XML Edita is here to simplify XML editing and help save you time and energy while greatly reducing the risk of errors.

Gone are the days when you needed multiple applications to create, edit, transform, validate and organize your XML files. XML Edita does it all in an easy to use graphic interface. Most other tools are not native MacOS tools and will cost you hundrends of dollars more to get the functionalities included in XML Edita.

  • XML Schema composition tool.
  • Code completion.
  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Automatic indentation.
  • Document formatting (pretty-print).
  • XML Document validation.
  • XML Document transformation.
  • XML Generation from XSD.
  • Code folding.

What’s new in version 1.2.11

  • Bug fixes and stability improvements
View older XML Edita versions

XML Edita for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.11
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(1 Reviews of XML Edita)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Nov 10 2017
Nov 10 2017
Version: 1.1.5
A challenge just opening and saving files. Ended up asking for money back at App Store.

App crashed with large XML in attempt to simply validate the XML. Because XML contains sensitive information, free XML validation on web was not an option. Ended up having to produce a non-sensitive XML document that exhibited the same problems and use free web tools due to the difficulties in using this tool.
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