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XMind for Mac

Mind mapping and project management app.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

XMind overview

XMind is a mind-mapping tool based off of the same open-source project as XMind Pro. It supports the same map structures and 100% compatible with XMind. It has new themes, some with more muted tones for a more modern look and feel. Its distinct feature is the "ZEN Mode" that will automatically hide extra panels allowing you to focus on your thoughts and adding to your document without distractions.

  • New snowbrush engine
  • Font rendering
  • Export to Markdown format
  • Export to PDF & Evernote
  • New themes and images

What’s new in version 23.09.11172

  • Optimized the experience of undo/redo when editing the topic text;
  • Fixed the issue where text might disappear when using some IMEs;
  • Fixed the issue where the spelling suggestion did not work in special cases;
  • Fixed the issue where the screenshot of Map Shot might get split;
  • Fixed the issue where the Floating Topic could not use "Show Branch Only";
  • Fixed the issue where some IMEs might cause errors in Outliner;
  • Fixed the error that may occur when exporting PNG;
  • Fixed some other known issues.
View older XMind versions

XMind for Mac

In English
Version 23.09.11172
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Mar 14 2022
Mar 14 2022
Version: 11.1.2