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webtrees for Mac

Collaborative genealogy application.

In English

webtrees overview

webtrees is the web's leading online collaborative genealogy application.

  • It works from standard GEDCOM files, and is therefore compatible with every major desktop application.
  • It aims to to be efficient and effective by using the right combination of third-party tools, design techniques and open standards.

webtrees allows you to view and edit your genealogy on your website. It has full editing capabilities, full privacy functions, and supports imedia such as photos and document images. As an online program, it fosters extended family participation and good ancestral recording habits, as it simplifies the process of collaborating with others working on your family lines. Your latest information is always on your web site and available for others to see, defined by viewing rules you set. For more information and to see working demos, visit webtrees.net.

webtrees is Open Source software that has been produced by people from many countries freely donating their time and talents to the project. All service, support, and future development is dependent on the time developers are willing to donate to the project, often at the expense of work, recreation, and family. Beyond the few donations received from users, developers receive no compensation for the time they spend working on the project. There is also no outside source of revenue to support the project. Please consider these circumstances when making support requests and consider volunteering your own time and skills to make the project even stronger and better.

What’s new in version 1.7.14

Version 1.7.14:
  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
View older webtrees versions

webtrees for Mac

In English
Version 1.7.14
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