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HomeCustomizationWallpapersWallpaperer for Reddit

Wallpaperer for Reddit for Mac

Wallpapers from the Reddit communities.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Wallpaperer for Reddit overview

Wallpaperer for Reddit automatically sets your desktop wallpaper to the top-rated images from your favorite Reddit communities! Choose how often you want your wallpaper to update and which Subreddit(s) you want to get wallpapers from.

  • Automatically change your wallpaper at regular intervals to top rated images from your favourite Subreddit(s)
  • Images are automatically selected to fit your display's size and proportions
  • Use the status bar menu to see information about your wallpaper, open the image's post on Reddit or get a new wallpaper at any time
  • Choose as many Subreddits to source from as you like
  • Customize settings like minimum image resolution and wallpaper display style
  • Use Wallpaperer with multiple monitors at once
  • Automatically run Wallpaperer on startup

What’s new in version 6.1.2

Version 6.1.2:
  • This version adds compatibility with macOS Big Sur
View older Wallpaperer for Reddit versions

Wallpaperer for Reddit for Mac

In English
Version 6.1.2
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(1 Reviews of Wallpaperer for Reddit)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

May 24 2018
May 24 2018
Version: 5.0
A clever little app
May 24 2018
May 24 2018
Version: null