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HomeLifestyle & HobbySportsVirtuaScore Basketball

VirtuaScore Basketball for Mac

An aesthetically pleasing basketball scoreboard.

In English

VirtuaScore Basketball overview

VirtuaScore Basketball is a basketball scoreboard program as beautiful as your Mac. Packed with a variety of features and a sense of elegant design, it's everything you could want in a scoreboard. VirtuaScore is perfect for schools, sports organizations and fans alike.

  • Easy Control - VirtuaScore's floating control panel window puts all of the most common controls front and center, so updating the score and resetting the shot clock is quick and easy. You can even perfrom almost any action with a quick keyboard shortcut. Made a mistake? Undo any change with a quick keystroke.
  • Customization - VirtuaScore is customizable! Make a scoreboard to suit your needs, with customizable Home and Away score labels and graphics. You can also set the period and shot clock duration for each game.
  • Design - VirtuaScore simply looks like it belongs on the Mac. With brushed aluminum and glass style, the realistic seven-segment score displays seemingly glow off the computer screen.
  • Plus...
    • Windowed and full-screen modes
    • Realistic display graphics
    • Authentic buzzer sound
    • Save scoreboards to use again
    • Set clock to tenths of a second
    • Drag and drop team graphics
    • Optional floating control panel
    • Snow Leopard and Lion Compatible
    • Scoreboard fits any monitor, including projectors
    • Install on all of your Macs

What’s new in version 1.2.2

Version 1.2.2:
  • Crash fix and performance improvements.
View older VirtuaScore Basketball versions

VirtuaScore Basketball for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.2
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