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VidBas for Mac

Easily capture almost any video from your web browser.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

VidBas overview

VidBas lets you download almost any video you can view in your browser.


  • Automatic capturing: just launch VidBas, open video in browser and see how its automatically downloads!
  • Multi-browser support: support for Safari, FireFox, Chrome and any other browser.
  • Unlimited concurrent download: catch as many videos concurrently as there are in the world.
  • iTunes integration: add downloads to iTunes library downloads and copy them to any of your devices such as: iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc.
  • Save videos as MP3 or as MP4.
  • Fast download: 15x faster than real time!

What’s new in version 3.4.8

Version 3.4.8: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
View older VidBas versions

VidBas for Mac

In English
Version 3.4.8
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(1 Reviews of VidBas)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jun 13 2013
Jun 13 2013
Version: 3.1.1
When it works, it works very well. Stutters that may be experienced in a "live" viewing are all removed, with no apparent loss of quality with what is essentially a recording. Unable to record (eg) the latest Apple WWDC A useful adjunct to MacTubes Yes - I paid for it, and I am happy so far - but I am looking forward to some improvements to the UI HINT: don't try to overload it with too many videos recordings all at once.
Jun 13 2013
Jun 13 2013
Version: null