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UtilsLib for Mac

REALbasic plug-in retrieves ethernet address and more.

In English

UtilsLib overview

UtilsLib is a Xojo and Real Studio plugin, which has cross platform GUID Generation, ComputerName and UserName, day names, month names, bit wise handling, currency formatting, access to the location manager and many other utility functions. Many functions of this plugin are supported on MacOS X, Windows x86, and Linux x86.

What’s new in version 7.2

Version 7.2:
  • Fixes for Code sign on macOS Catalina.
  • Updated some things that were deprecated in macOS API.
  • Added EinhugurEvents class, salvaging and bringing up some functionality from the old EventLib.
View older UtilsLib versions

UtilsLib for Mac

In English
Version 7.2
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(1 Reviews of UtilsLib)

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Feb 23 2015
Feb 23 2015
Version: 6.8
Listed here as freeware but appears to be shareware. Not casting any aspersions on the product or authors, just trying to clarify.
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