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TweetShot overview

TweetShot makes it possible to Tweet at the urtla speed.

  • You can set your favorite keyboard shortcut and start up in a moment.
  • You can enable the "launch at login" function on the preferences window.
  • You can Tweet with a total of 4 PNG or JPEG files attached.
  • You can Tweet with just one GIF animation.

What’s new in version 2.2

Version 2.2:
  • Fixed to focus on the text field when the Tweet window is opened.
  • The content of your latest tweet (only text) became to be displayed at the time of replying.
View older TweetShot versions

TweetShot for Mac

In English
Version 2.2
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(1 Reviews of TweetShot)

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Mar 17 2018
Mar 17 2018
Version: 1.6.0
I was about to get this program to see what URTLA speed was. But the screenshot says, "Ultra speed." So now that the mystery is solved, I don't know if I need this app.
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