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Trishear3D for Mac

Runs 3D forward trishear models.

In English

Trishear3D overview

Trishear3D is a program to run 3D, forward trishear models. The program is based on algorithms by Cristallini and Allmendinger (2001), and Cristallini et al. (2004). Trishear3D can model the geometry and finite strain of fault propagation folds, fault bend folds, and lateral propagating faults. More information about Trishear3D can be found in Cardozo (2008).

Geometry and strain data can be visualized in a 3D plot which can be sliced along any orientation and queried for strain. Geometry and strain are also displayed in tables which can be exported. Trishear3D is a great tool to investigate the impact of temporal and spatial variations of fault parameters on the 3D geometry and strain field of fault related folds.

The program is free for non-profit purposes (for consulting please contact the developer).

What’s new in version 6.9

Version 6.9:
  • Better display of labels in OpenGL 3D view
  • Better placement of windows and panels
  • Compiled in Xcode 11.4.1
View older Trishear3D versions

Trishear3D for Mac

In English
Version 6.9
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