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Transloader for Mac

Manage downloads remotely from other Macs and iOS devices.

In English

Transloader overview

With Transloader, you can initiate downloads on one or more of your Macs - remotely from your iPhone, iPad, or other Macs.

Say you're browsing on your iPhone and come across a Mac app demo you'd like to give a try.

Now, you could fumble for an app to save that link in for later, and hope to remember to download it afterwards.

Or you can use Transloader, and assign that link for download to a Mac right away - no need for fumbling, or remembering. Even better, when you return to your Mac, the file will be ready for you.

Main Features:

Initiate downloads on a remote Mac

Wether you're on another Mac, an iPhone or an iPad, you can enter the link into the app on your device and assign it to a specific Mac for download. Or use the app's Share extension to start downloads right from within your browser.

Login to Download

If a file requires a login into the website before it can be downloaded, Transloader lets you do that now. You can log in to websites at any time, from any device.

Link- and File Actions

Link Actions tell Transloader on Mac which app, Automator workflow or Siri Shortcut should open specific links (based on criteria like host or URL scheme), instead of downloading them in Transloader. For example, you can open ftp links with the ftp app of choice.

A File Action lets Transloader on Mac open a file after its downloaded with an app, Automator workflow or Siri Shortcut, based on criteria like file type/extension, or the link's host. For example, unzip zip files right away after they're downloaded, or organize downloaded images in folders.

Save links for later

If your desired Mac is not yet registered with Transloader, or you'd just like to wait before you initiate the download of a link on a Mac, you can save it, and assign the link to a Mac for download later.

System Integration

With Transloader's Share extension, you can start downloads on remote Macs right from your browser, or any other place you deal with links.

Use its Shortcuts to build powerful download-workflows.

What’s new in version 3.1.6

  • Improves the placement and display of the popover, when the menu bar item is used
  • Improved syncing and handling of download states
  • Improves the visual feedback when adding a download to the local Mac
Bug fixes
  • Fixes a localization issue in the "added from device" popover
View older Transloader versions

Transloader for Mac

In English
Version 3.1.6
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