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Transitions DJ for Mac

Mix music, suitable for live DJ and mixtape production.

In English

Transitions DJ overview

Transitions DJ is an application for mixing music, suitable for live DJ performance and mixtape production.

Transitions DJ provides excellent music visualizations so you can plan out your mixes with precision. Waveforms colored by sound frequency reveal the acoustic properties of the music, allowing you to identify musical elements such bass, snare, and vocals. Additionally, Transitions DJ lets you label your music with high-level structure such as verse, chorus, bridge, etc. so you can see exactly how your transitions will play out.

Transitions DJ comes with free access to our song annotation database, browsable at our website. The goal is to create a comprehensive database of song structure for DJs, similar to lyrics or guitar tab databases currently available to singers and guitarists. At present, most of our annotations are for pop and hip-hop songs, but we plan on expanding to other genres in the future.


  • Zoomable waveforms, colored by sound frequency
  • Annotations of beats, bars, and phrases (verse, chorus, etc.)
  • Multiple tempo support and time warping
  • Automatic beatmatching
  • BPM detection
  • iTunes library integration
  • Looping
  • Key lock
  • Playback of mp3, m4a, FLAC, ogg, wav, and aiff formats
  • Recording to FLAC, ogg, and wav formats
  • Single deck mode
  • Dual soundcard output for external mixers

What’s new in version 1.2.6

Version 1.2.6: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
View older Transitions DJ versions

Transitions DJ for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.6
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