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HomeGamesArcadeTouch Pong

Touch Pong overview

Touch Pong is just like the original pong except it uses the touch bar. Pong - one of the first games ever created, brought to you using the newest apple hardware.

Touch Pong features:
  • Brand new Touch Bar support to control your Pong paddle
  • A computer opponent which improves as you play!
  • Three difficulty modes to test your skill: Easy, Standard & Difficult
  • Local Multiplayer - Player 1 can use the touch bar or arrow keys and Player 2 uses the trackpad.
  • Simple, modern and high quality graphics
  • Can be played on Macs without Touch Bar too

What’s new in version 1.6

Version 1.6:
  • Add Compatibility with macOS Monterey.
View older Touch Pong versions

Touch Pong for Mac

In English
Version 1.6
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