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Topaz Mask AI for Mac

Create tricky masks in record time.

In English

Topaz Mask AI overview

Creating complex selections by hand and perfecting them almost always takes way longer than expected. Meet Topaz Mask AI. Mask AI allows you to create tricky masks in record time thanks to our intuitive machine learning technology and trimap technique.

Less user input for an extremely high-quality mask has always been a photographer’s dream, and now you can have it with Mask AI.

Compared to Photoshop, Mask AI doesn’t need tedious brushwork to get a high-quality mask. And there’s no need to learn complicated icons and tools. With Mask AI you only need to roughly outline your subject in blue, one-click fills what you want to cut, one-click fills what you want to keep, and press "Compute Mask".

What’s new in version 1.3.9

  • Updated post-processing library with slight performance improvement
  • Updated in-app Trial messaging
  • Fix missing "Save Trimap" menu item on windows in plugin mode
  • Fix windows cross-user installation issues
View older Topaz Mask AI versions

Topaz Mask AI for Mac

In English
Version 1.3.9
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