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HomeGamesArcadeTitan Attacks!

Titan Attacks! for Mac

Space Invaders arcade game.

In English
Based on 2 user rates

Titan Attacks! overview

Titan Attacks is a Space Invaders game where the Earth is under attack from evil aliens from Titan! Only you can save us all using a hired space ship. Upgrade your ship with bounty money and drive back the Titans across the Solar System, and defeat them on their homeworld. That'll show 'em!

  • 100 levels of frantic shooter action
  • 5 giant boss motherships
  • Upgrade your ship with extra cannon, rockets and lasers
  • Challenge stages with prizes
  • Online hiscore table

What’s new in version 2.01

Version 2.01:
  • We've just released the latest incarnation of Titan Attacks. This version has a very slightly different difficulty curve which you'll chiefly notice past level 100. Believe it or not we actually had people wrapping the game so often their score caused an integer overflow! So now it'll be a bit harder to get those crazy points - the game genuinely gets seriously challenging past level 100.
  • Also we should now support Big Picture Mode fully - have a go with your 360 controller. You should be able to enter hiscores etc. just using the controller, and so forth. If you've got any feedback about the controller in Big Picture Mode we'd love to hear it.
View older Titan Attacks! versions

Titan Attacks! for Mac

In English
Version 2.01
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(4 Reviews of Titan Attacks!)

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  • User Ratings

Jun 5 2011
Jun 5 2011
Version: 1.7
Puppy Games Titan Attacks for OS X is now at version 1.96 [ http://downloads.puppygames.net/TitanAttacks_MacOSX.zip ]
Sep 15 2010
Sep 15 2010
Version: 1.7
The actual version of this great game is 1.9.5. Macupdate editors should check the developers website! http://www.puppygames.net/downloads/?game=titan-attacks
Jul 24 2008
Jul 24 2008
Version: 1.7
I used to love the game Space Junkie in the pre-OS X days. Alas, that game is gone forever now that I can't run Classic. But Titan Attacks has given me pretty much the same enjoyment; it's the best of its kind that I've found. My wish is that the screen could be resized by dragging a corner. My only two options are full screen or tiny screen. I don't like full-screen games, so I'm stuck with tiny screen. Even a medium-sized screen would be appreciated. But on the whole, it's good, and I plan to buy this next payday.
Aug 29 2006
Aug 29 2006
Version: 1.1
This is a great game for everyone who enjoyed Space Invaders back in the 1980s. One of the more entertaining games with an online highscore list. DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME IF YOU HAVE A JOB AND CAN'T STOP PLAYING UNTIL YOU MAKE IT FIRST ON THE HIGHSCORE LIST. Actually I wished that feature could be turned off because you tend to be obsessed about beating someone's record rather than just enjoy a little distraction. (-1 point in features) Each level is followed by a list of items to buy. If you earned enough money shooting space ships or collecting special items (dropped bonuses, bailing aliens, destroying falling wrecks) you can choose power ups for shield, gun power, extra bullets, smartbombs, addons or ship speed. Full-screen mode with a resolution switch is possible and does not relocate windows or desktop icons when you leave it. Aspect ratio stays 4:3 even on 16:10 displays. (-1 point for graphics & sound then) Controls, music volume and effects volume are configurable.
Jul 24 2008
Jul 24 2008
Version: null
Aug 29 2006
Aug 29 2006
Version: null