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Texty for Google Messages for Mac

Native macOS app for Google Messages.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Texty for Google Messages overview

Texty is a fully native app, custom built to integrate Google Messages into the macOS ecosystem. Quickly see all conversations, know how many unread messages are waiting, reply to a message right in Notification Center and more. All it needs is an Internet connection - there are no requirements for the phone's physical location (it does not use Bluetooth). It supports traditional SMS and MMS messages as well as the newer format, RCS (Rich Communication Services), so it's already future proofed.

What’s new in version 1.2.7

  • Resolved a bug on macOS 11 and prior versions, where the app's window position and size may not have correctly reloaded upon subsequent launches.
View older Texty for Google Messages versions

Texty for Google Messages for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.7
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(1 Reviews of Texty for Google Messages)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Oct 17 2022
Oct 17 2022
Version: 1.2.4
I'm getting pretty tired of all these subscription apps. Altho this looks promising I won't even try this crap app... I get devs need capitol to continue developing but with all the free tools available in GitHub, Mac OSX, Microsoft, Google. . .the only thing missing is time and drive! Forget this. . .
Oct 17 2022
Oct 17 2022
Version: 1.2.4