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TDF Plan for Mac

Scientific research tool for personal use by radiation oncology, biology.

In English

TDF Plan overview

TDF Plan is an application which implements the linear-quadratic (LQ) and linear-quadratic-linear (LQ-L) models to integrate and/or intercompare multiple radiotherapy fractionation regimens for various forms of external beam radiotherapy (e.g. EBRT, SBRT, SRS) and brachytherapy (HDR, LDR or permanent implant) and to keep track of the progress of those regimens in a scheduling database. Versions of TDF Plan suitable for basic EBRT calculations are also available for the iPhone and iPod Touch and PalmOS PDAs.

TDF Plan is distributed as a shareware scientific research tool for personal use by radiation oncology, biology, and physics professionals and students.

The treatment scheduling calendar, database capabilities, and calculation of biologically effective dose (BED) and normal tissue complication probability NTCP take into such issues as treatment days per week, weekends, holidays and unscheduled missed treatment days. National holiday files are included for some sample countries. TDF Plan can be scheduled to query its database daily and automatically generate email messages to doctors, dosimetrists and others associated with a patient's treatment planning in order to alert them a few days in advance of impending course changes such as field cone-downs or boosts.

What’s new in version 1.8.8

Version 1.8.8:
  • Added Cs-131 to the menu of brachytherapy radionuclides.
  • Fixed a bug involving the recently added 'Other' radionuclide half-life preference setting and also added an RBE preference setting for the 'Other' radionuclide.
View older TDF Plan versions

TDF Plan for Mac

In English
Version 1.8.8
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