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Sush.io for Mac

Store all of your online accounts and documents in the cloud.

In English

Sush.io overview

Sush.io helps Freelancers & Startups reduce Bookkeeping and Paperwork by 80%. It's Mint.com + Dropbox in a single Cloud & App experience. Data is automatically aggregated and structured from 300+ Online accounts (Paypal, T-Mobile, Github, Amazon, Easyjet,...) and documents are synced and shared with any third-party involved with Dropbox integration.

Working with Freshbooks?

With Freshbooks connect, get all your latest data within Sush.io and quickly add any file as an expense right into Freshbooks. That easy.

Already using Dropbox?

With Dropbox Backup, you can import any folder into Sush.io and automatically backup all your files with your Dropbox account.

Going Mobile?

Sush.io is also available as iOS iPhone & iPad apps so you always have your important documents with you. With Quickscan for Sush.io, you can also use this app to scan all those annoying receipts and papers with your iPhone and upload them to your sush.io Cloud or Dropbox, Evernote, Cloudapp.

What’s new in version 1.3

Version 1.3:
  • Stability & security improvements
  • Possibility to Log out from account
  • Minor bug fixes
View older Sush.io versions

Sush.io for Mac

In English
Version 1.3
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