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Substance 3D Stager for Mac

Your fully equipped virtual studio.

In English

Substance 3D Stager overview

Adobe Substance 3D Stager is the easy way to setup 3D scenes to create high quality 3D renderings.

Build and assemble 3D scenes in this intuitive staging tool. Set up assets, materials, lights, and cameras. Export and share media, from images to web and AR experiences.

Work on your final image.

Substance 3D Stager lets you make creative decisions in context. Refine and adjust your composition in real time. Visualize and edit advanced materials with complex lighting and shadows.

Tools to flesh out your ideas.

Build your realistic 3D scenes with quick and efficient smart tools. Block out shapes, snap elements, activate physics to avoid collisions between models, and generate simple lights.

Access a vast network of resources.

Stager comes with models, materials, and lights to get started. Or explore and use the thousands of high-end assets made by our 3D experts and included with your Substance 3D Collection plan.

What’s new in version 1.3.1

  • [Import] Updated SKP import support to Sketchup SDK 2022 version
  • [CC Libraries] Fixed an issue where images used from CC Libraries wouldn't update after being updated.
  • [Localization] The axis indicator in the viewport now has localized strings for it's tooltips.
View older Substance 3D Stager versions

Substance 3D Stager for Mac

In English
Version 1.3.1
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