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HomeEducationStudentStudent Assistant

Student Assistant for Mac

Schedule Planner.

In English

Student Assistant overview

Student Assistant structured organizer and timetable. Ideal for managing your school or university life. Efficient tool to save a schedule and to plan all tasks from homework to exams!

Calendar and Timetable:
  • Simple way to save and organize classes: date, time, subject, teacher;
  • Colors & icon for a better data visualization;
  • Subject templates for creating a weekly calendar of events (limited in free version);
  • When you create an event, you can make it repeat on certain days.
Grading Journal:
  • Quick posting, editing grade notes;
  • Possibility to create a group of subjects: arts, sciences, etc. (limited in free version);
  • Sub-journals for tracking the grades for homework, quizzes or exams (limited in free version);
  • The average attendance and rating for each category.
List Of Teachers:
  • All information in one place: first name, last name, contacts, course;
  • Filter by: Subject, Teacher.

Note: This application contains in-app and/or external module purchases.

What’s new in version 3.1.2

Version 3.1.2:
  • Some improvements
View older Student Assistant versions

Student Assistant for Mac

In English
Version 3.1.2
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(1 Reviews of Student Assistant)

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Jun 26 2017
Jun 26 2017
Version: 3.1.2
Not available in the app store !!!!!!
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