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SnapItUp for Mac

Live photo booth with 5 second videos for each photo.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

SnapItUp overview

SnapItUp makes you turn that frown upside down! A 5 second video is saved for each photo so you can always find that perfect smile. Live, 3D, fun - SnapItUp is a photo booth with a large selection of themes for adults and kids alike. Want more themes? VIsit our website or you can always create and share your own with our built in editor. No image editing tools needed! The same editor can be used to theme your own existing photos and videos or adjust ones taken earlier.

SnapItUp is easy enough for toddlers to use and we have personally seen one year olds taking their own photos. Older kids will enjoy instant print functionality, while adults can adjust, re-theme and e-mail photos on the spot.

Feeling lazy? External webcams and Apple Remote are fully supported, so sit back on the sofa and snap party photos from your big screen TV.

What’s new in version 1.32

Version 1.32:
  • Automatically scales all images down to the maximum resolution supported by your graphics card, so that you can open high-resolution photos on older machines without resizing them manually
View older SnapItUp versions

SnapItUp for Mac

In English
Version 1.32
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(1 Reviews of SnapItUp)

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  • User Ratings

Oct 3 2011
Oct 3 2011
Version: 1.2
I love this app! It has been an absolute timesaver on my son's birthday party and we have used it on a few occasions since. UI is very intuitive and in kids mode pressing any key just takes and prints a picture. Usually 1-4 year olds are not able to use software because they don't know how to read or press specific keys, but nobody had trouble with this one. Now just got a new update with Halloween themes, look forward to positing some themed Facebook albums later in the month!
Oct 3 2011
Oct 3 2011
Version: null