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Skat overview

Skat - the first and the most popular Skat game in the App Store. Play the original!

  • Strong computer opponents
  • German and French deck of cards
  • Original Altenburger card images
  • Detailed game history
  • Follows the international ISPA skat rules
Customize the App:
  • Custom rules like Kontra, Re, Bock and Ramsch
  • Select your own photos for the computer opponents.
  • Three background scenes
  • Sorting options
Many more features:
  • Undo
  • Show last trick
  • Replay last game
  • Game score according to tournament rules

What’s new in version 16.11

  • In addition to the suggested bid, the assistant now shows you its assessment of the probability of your cards winning.
  • It also provides you with a simple hand evaluation scheme that is easy to remember and which you can also use in the game with your friends.
View older Skat versions

Skat for Mac

In English
Version 16.11
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(1 Reviews of Skat)

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  • User Ratings

Dec 5 2021
Dec 5 2021
Version: 16.4.4
I played over 2000 tables however, lately the game is freezing up consistently. From the last five tables I played I only was able to finish one without the game freezing up without a return. I am not a paid player and I believe that is the reason the band width is reduced for freeloaders. It too bad otherwise it is a beautiful game and I've enjoyed it up until now.
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