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HomeGamesArcadeShuttle Scuttle

Shuttle Scuttle for Mac

Fast-paced retro-style shooter game.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Shuttle Scuttle overview

Shuttle Scuttle is a fast-paced, retro-style shooter game with a mission. It's the year 2285 and all is peaceful since the forming of the USSA (United Sol System Alliance). That is until Neptune station reports of unidentified spacecraft approaching. A hostile force is making its way through the sol system towards earth. Armed shuttles for asteroid destruction are the only defense crafts available. Seek out and intercept this hostile force before Earth becomes a target!

  • 8-bit artwork reminiscent of the NES
  • 14 tracks of original chiptune music
  • 32 levels with 8 epic boss battles
  • Astronauts to rescue
  • Dozens of unique enemies
  • Earn up to 3 stars on each level
  • Full screen mode

What’s new in version 1.4.1

Version 1.4.1:
  • Bug fixes for macOS Big Sur..
View older Shuttle Scuttle versions

Shuttle Scuttle for Mac

In English
Version 1.4.1
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Dec 31 2011
Dec 31 2011
Version: null