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SEOAuditor overview

SEOAuditor is an application that can provide you with a set of important SEO parameters at the cost of one click. Just input the URL, hit "Go" and receive the:
  • Googe PR
  • Alexa ranking
  • SEOMoz DA and PA (if activated)
  • Social metrics (information about how much a particular site/page is popular in Facebook, Twitter and G++)
SEOAuditor is an application for long-term usage because in order to be in the top places of the organic search results you have always to be SEO-aware. What is more SEOAuditor give you the opportunity to follow the status not only of your sites, but of these of your opponents as well. It is truly an amazing and extremely useful product with no trial periods or limitations in the number of URLs that can be checked.

What’s new in version 1.2

Version 1.2:
  • Added integration with SEOSpyder
View older SEOAuditor versions

SEOAuditor for Mac

In English
Version 1.2
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