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Scaffold for Mac

MS/MS proteomics experiments visualization.

In English

Scaffold overview

Scaffold helps you visualize and validate complex MS/MS proteomics experiments

  • Compare samples to identify biological relevance
  • Identify regulated isoforms and protein PTMs
  • Drill down into spectrum details and counts
  • Identify proteins intuitively and confidently
  • Create comprehensive lists of target proteins
  • Classify proteins by molecular function or organelle
  • Harness high through-put batch processing

What’s new in version 5.1.2

  • Added ability to reset "Always as a Viewer" option through Edit>Preferences>Display Settings>Reset Don't Show Messages
  • Ensured that file associations are set for sf3 files on all operating systems
  • Corrected opening of files by double-clicking on Mac
  • Restored ability to save images through the context menu
  • Corrected mzIdentML export
  • Upgraded Install4j version
View older Scaffold versions

Scaffold for Mac

In English
Version 5.1.2
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