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RSS Guard for Mac

Feed reader supporting RSS/ATOM/JSON and web-based feed services.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

RSS Guard overview

RSS Guard is a simple RSS/ATOM feed reader for Windows, Linux, BSD, OS/2 or macOS which can work with RSS/ATOM/JSON feeds as well as many online feed services:

What’s new in version 4.7.1

  • Fixed detection of plugins which was broken due to wrong plugin search path. (#1416, #1420)
  • If "Show unread only" article list filter is active and you select article (which then gets marked read) and then feed is fetched, currently selected article does not suddenly disappear from the list. (#1415)
  • Selected "style" was disappearing from settings dialog even thought it was correctly saved into settings. (#1408)
  • Right-clicking article selects it (and displays its contents) but does not modify read/unread state. This behavior was corrupted in previous release, therefore we just return to old good behavior. (#1410)
  • XML parser now allows leading and trailing blank lines when loading XML of feeds. (#1403)
  • Date/time parsing was further enhanced, although there are some connected issues which will be hunted in the future.
  • Qt5/Windows builds will use only qtmultimedia media player backend because libmpv dropped Windows 7 support.
  • Fixed "About" dialog RSS Guard information formatting.
View older RSS Guard versions

RSS Guard for Mac

In English
Version 4.7.1
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Ervins Strauhmanis
Ervins Strauhmanis
Aug 26 2023
Aug 26 2023
Version: 4.5.0