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Reviver for Mac

Audio Unit harmonic distortion plug-in.

In English

Reviver overview

Reviver is a versatile, high-quality harmonic distortion plug-in. Reviver increases any signal's loudness and brightness, adds punch and fatness, and changes color and character by adding second and third order harmonic overtones. Unlike other distortion plug-ins, that often suffer from unwanted digital side effects, Reviver is alias-free and keeps your audio crisp and clean

What’s new in version 1.3.6

Version 1.3.6:
Bug fixes:
  • Force reboot after installing AudioUnit to workaround a Logic Pro bug
  • Added Reviver Manual to the Fielding DSP folder in Applications on macOS
  • Migrated authorisation to new server backend for quicker online authorisation requests
View older Reviver versions

Reviver for Mac

In English
Version 1.3.6
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