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RemotePad Control for Mac

Ultimate remote mouse control.

In English

RemotePad Control overview

RemotePad control is the ultimate companion app for your computer!

Transform your Apple mobile device into a powerful remote mouse, effortlessly controlling your computer from the palm of your hand.

Say goodbye to wires and hello to effortless navigation.

Experience a fluid interface with intuitive gestures and customizable settings.

Enhance productivity and elevate your computer experience with RemotePad control – the future of trackpad and mouse control.

Get started in a few simple steps:
  • Download the and install "RemotePad - remote mouse" app from your mobile device App Store.
  • Ensure Bluetooth is enabled on both your computer and mobile device.
  • Sit back as the connection is automatically established.

What’s new in version 1.02

  • Bug fixes and improvements.
View older RemotePad Control versions

RemotePad Control for Mac

In English
Version 1.02
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