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Recordia for Mac

Shortcuts for quick audio recording.

In English

Recordia overview

Recordia lets you record audio directly from the menu bar or with a global keyboard shortcut

This can be useful for recording voice memos, song ideas, meetings, lectures, interviews, phone calls, voice-overs, and more

  • Record compressed or lossless audio
  • Customizable keyboard shortcuts to start/stop and pause/resume recording
  • Change input device
  • Unlimited recording duration
  • Set default output directory
  • Optionally show the recording in Finder when done
  • Easily copy and share the previous recording
  • Launch at login preference
  • Record system audio (See FAQ below)
  • Choose between multiple menu bar icons

Technical details: It records at 48 kHz to either M4A (AAC, 256 kbps, compressed) or WAV (PCM, 16-bit, uncompressed). The recording is stereo if the input device supports it, otherwise mono

What’s new in version 2.6.0

  • Improved compatibility with macOS 13.
View older Recordia versions

Recordia for Mac

In English
Version 2.6.0
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