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Radia for Mac

Listen to Pandora radio from your menubar.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Radia overview

Radia allows you to listen to Pandora radio right from menubar. Both free and paid accounts are supported.
  • No Flash required. No ads.
  • Use Apple Media Keys to control the player. You can like or dislike, play or pause and skip or mark tired of the song.
  • Support Growl to show playing song information, like cover art, song name, artist etc.
  • Select any station from your Pandora account to play.
  • Search stations from Pandora and add station from search results.
  • Sort your stations by date or title (A-Z).

What’s new in version 1.2.2

Version 1.2.2:
  • Bug fixes, including restoring session after Pandora session timeout.
View older Radia versions

Radia for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.2
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(1 Reviews of Radia)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jan 6 2014
Jan 6 2014
Version: 1.2.2
Overall this app works great. It does have a bug where it skips randomly when you pause your music, leave for a while, then come back and hit play. Otherwise it works great. Plus it's free. :)
Jan 6 2014
Jan 6 2014
Version: null