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QuickTrack Pro for Mac

Comprehensive tracking software.

In English

QuickTrack Pro overview

QuickTrack Pro is a powerful yet easy-to-use software application for keeping item records and tracking their whereabouts and movements among many users and/or locations. Details of items and users or locations are filed in customisable fields. Items can then be booked in or out by scanning barcodes or using the keyboard.

Designed to be as user-friendly as possible, QuickTrack Pro combines a proprietary database with an easy-to-use interface and barcode technology. Use the built-in database (with no setup at all) or connect to an existing MySQL, or MSSQL database server in seconds (by clicking one button), whichever suits your needs.

  • Easy to use
  • Items can be booked in/out using your barcode reader
  • Track the whereabouts of items, their movements and locations
  • Look up the details of your CDs, DVDs, videos, or books via the Internet to save time over manually inputting them
  • Find details of overdue items
  • Fully Mac OS X

The quoted price is that of a one-year subscription.

What’s new in version 8.5.0

Version 8.5.0:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.7 or later running on an Intel processor

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
View older QuickTrack Pro versions

QuickTrack Pro for Mac

In English
Version 8.5.0
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