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Quadose for Mac

Game of falling pieces (was Tribbi).

In English

Quadose overview

Quadose (was Tribbi) is a game of falling pieces, played against two walls of the board. When rows are cleared, the board rotates 90 degrees. As you progress through the levels, new pieces are unlocked, and the pace of gameplay increases.

There are three board sizes to choose from, detailed high-score stats, and spatialized sound effects for increased immersion. Try Quadose today and see how long you can last!

What’s new in version 1.2.2

Version 1.2.3 (1.2.2):

Note: The downloadable demo is version 1.2.2; the version available for purchase on the Mac App Store is version 1.2.3.

  • New name! The game formerly known as "Tribbi" shall now be Quadose. Make it so.
  • Now 64-bit
  • Refreshed user interface
  • Improved support for two-finger swipe gestures
  • Bug fixes
View older Quadose versions

Quadose for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.2
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