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QM for Mac

A freeware graphical modeling tool.

In English

QM overview

QM (QP Modeler) is a freeware graphical modeling tool for designing and implementing real-time embedded software based on the UML state machines and the lightweight QP Real-Time Embedded Frameworks (RTEFs). QM is available for Windows 32/64-bit, Linux 64-bit, and MacOS.

What’s new in version 5.3.0

Code Generation:
  • The C code generator now generates C++ style comments in C. This matches the transition to C99 and MISRA-C:2012/2023, which accepts C++ style comments in C.
  • The C code generator applies the macros Q_HSM_UPCAST() and Q_MSM_UPCAST() in the transitions to history for QHsm and QMsm state machines, respectively.
  • The internal qpc and qpcpp models have been updated to reflect the new QP 7.3.0 class hierarchy with the QAsm base class.
  • Because of the dependencies on the new QP features and structure, the QM code generator now requires minimum QP version of 7.3.0.
View older QM versions

QM for Mac

In English
Version 5.3.0
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