PubCoder for Mac
Interactive publishing tool for digital content.
All digital. All interactive. No code needed.
PubCoder is the perfect tool for creating create digital and interactive books with ease.
With PubCoder you can recognize users' gestures and connect them to animated effects: rotate, move, enlarge and reduce, shake, show and hide objects; create animations and behaviors, and combine them as you wish.You can lay out all sorts of digital assets (images, texts, audio files, videos etc) and combine them with a wide variety of events and actions.
You can also add ready-to-use interactive widgets to your book, such as Image Galleries, Quizzes, Coloring Games and more.
Publish your ebook in EPUB 3 Fixed Layout for iBooks, Readium and Kobo, KF8 for Kindle Fire devices or as a native Android app.
With PubCoder you can easily handle different book formats. You can process them all within the same project and switch between them with a simple click. In the early stages of the project you can choose a specific combination of format, page size, and language to define the default workspace.
Whenever you whish to create a different version of your ebook in order to fit a new device or to issue a different translation, PubCoder will allow you to set a new workspace and differently customize your project as you wish.
Translate your digital book into any language, with any alphabet, all within the same project.
PubCoder can easily create and manage different versions of your book in different languages.
The assets are held into a single project file, and you can switch from one language to another with a simple click. Every localized version will generate a single file package, ready to be published in the appropriate store.PubCoder can easily manage non-Latin characters (such as Chinese, Arabic or Cyrillic) and both left-to-right and right-to-left writing directions and pages browsing modes.
Pricing begins at €99 per year for an individual license. Additional licensing information can be found here.
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