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HomeLifestyle & HobbyWeatherProForecast for Weather Channel

ProForecast for Weather Channel for Mac

Fast access to vital weather info.

In English

ProForecast for Weather Channel overview

ProForecast for The Weather Channel is a simple weather application for Mac that gives you faster access to vital weather info inside a minimalistic interface. Search for any location using the search bar at the top of the app and set locations in an instant. ProForecast for The Weather Channel is your go to app for Mac, whenever you need weather info.

ProForecast for The Weather Channel shows important weather statistics and presents them in a well curated layout which is easy to understand as well as beautiful to look at. The app changes its background based on the current weather condition, which will look stunning on your desktop.

  • Easy to search location. Quickly select from the previously searched locations.
  • Open app from Statusmenu bar and check weather instantly.
  • Avail different ways to get weather forecasts. (hourly, 5 days. 10 days, weekend, and monthly)
  • Define a hotkey to open app faster from keyboard.
  • Make the app window transparent.
  • Open App at login.
  • Hide app icon from the Dock.
  • Instantly get alerts in Notification Center if any changes in the temperature take place.

What’s new in version 2.1

Version 2.1:
  • Improved Version
View older ProForecast for Weather Channel versions

ProForecast for Weather Channel for Mac

In English
Version 2.1
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