Pointer Noodge for Mac
Place your pointer in a pixel-precise location.
Note: Pointer Noodge is no longer under development, and it is no longer available for sale.
Pointer Noodge is the third application in the PFiddle Collection.
Pointer Noodge slows down the system pointer, removing mouse, trackpad and trackball acceleration so you can place the pointer exactly where you want it in any application. You can also nudge the pointer one pixel at a time horizontally and vertically using the arrow keys. Hold down the backslash () key to drag. Hold down the right bracket (]) key to speed up the pointer temporarily.
Open Pointer Noodge's Preferences window to turn off pointer control and to turn on other features. Other features include rotating images to help you find the pointer on the screen, a border and highlighting to identify the window, drawer or sheet under the pointer, a text box and optional speech providing the pointer's coordinates and information about the application under the pointer, and a spotlight effect for presentations. Pointer Noodge makes it easier for everybody to use the computer, including users with impaired vision or motor control issues.
The PFiddle Collection is a growing collection of useful and pfun Mac software. Buy the collection once for $4.95 US, and enjoy any and all applications in the collection, now and in the future, without additional charge.
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