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PerfectLum for Mac

Verify and calibrate medical displays.

In English

PerfectLum overview

PerfectLum is a software to calibrate and verify medical displays that are used for diagnostics or viewing of medical images coming in widest sense from biological- medical- Imaging, radiology, radiological sciences, endoscopy, Tomography, Ultrasound, medical photography and microscopy.

Qubyx offers PerfectLum 3 Display Calibration software and PerfectLum Suite, a Display Quality Assurance suite - both based on the medical standards NEMA DICOM part 14 GSDF, AAPM TG18, DIN 6868-57, JESRA X-0093 and IEC 62563-1. PerfectLum 3 is designed for calibration to these standards, while PerfectLum Suite software performs calibration, acceptance test, conformance test and maintains consistency to all medical workstations. Use of this software enables health-care professionals to maintain their displays to international standards and quality. Runs on Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows.

PerfectLum Suite Features

  • Calibration of all displays to the DICOM part 14 GSDF and CIE L* standard.
  • Updates video card LUT or display LUT for displays that comply with the DDC/CI standard.
  • Performs acceptance and conformance test.
  • Schedules conformance test automatically and reminds to perform tests.
  • Test Patterns to visually check calibration results.
  • DICOM conformance.
  • Supports calibration of multi-head display systems.
  • History log for comparing and checking the results of calibrations and QA tests performed.
  • Color measurement capability
  • Supports many brands of photometer.
  • License supports all users on the installed Workstation.
  • Remote control
  • Automated QA
perfectlum.com utilizes expiring download links for the demo, an e-mail address is required for download. Thank you.

What’s new in version 3

Version 3 (3.9.1369):

Note: Now requires OS X 10.7 or later

  • DIN 6868-157 update
  • Integration of new displays
View older PerfectLum versions

PerfectLum for Mac

In English
Version 3
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