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PdfBoxEditor for Mac

Edit, view, and inspect PDF boxes.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

PdfBoxEditor overview

PdfBoxEditor provides you a handy and powerful tool for editing, viewing and inspecting PDF boxes. Some typical tasks include:

  • Before you submit your project to a printing company, you should thoroughly check if all required boxes are present in your ready-to-print PDF and if they align correctly with the printer's marks.
  • When you receive PDF files for further processing, you have to get an overview of the boxes defined by other authors. In case of missing or misaligned boxes, you will have to correct the settings and copy them to all applicable pages.
  • Before you distribute your PDF documents, reassure that no confidential data is contained outside the visible area defined by the CropBox.
  • You have got PDF documents with printer's marks but without PDF boxes. Simply add the missing boxes - e.g. the TrimBox - and use the guides in the PDF preview to quickly and precisely align the box with the printer's marks.
  • Your PDF document has white margins which you would like to reduce for printing or display on a mobile device. Create a CropBox around the relevant page area and copy the box settings to all other pages.
Key Features:
  • PDF preview with highlighted box areas
  • guides to precisely check box alignment with printer's marks
  • selected boxes can be copied to all, even, or odd pages
  • redefinition of boxes based on graphical adjustments or textual inputs
  • creation of missing boxes
  • tabular overview of all box settings
  • available units: cm, inch, mm, pt
  • undo functions
Interface Languages:
  • English, German

What’s new in version 2.0.1

  • First release of PdfBoxEditor 2.0 (Major Release)
  • New: Universal 2 Binary for Intel x86-64 processors and ARM64 Apple Silicon (M1 / M2 /...)
  • New: Switch to change display between margins and coordinates
  • New: Interface languages: English and German
  • Fix: Resizing of the boxes within the PDF preview
View older PdfBoxEditor versions

PdfBoxEditor for Mac

In English
Version 2.0.1
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Ervins Strauhmanis
Ervins Strauhmanis
Sep 11 2023
Sep 11 2023
Version: 2.0.1