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PCSX2 overview

PCSX2 is a Playstation 2 'emulator', a free program that tries to replicate the Playstation 2 console to enable you to play PS2 games on your computer.

Advantages over the Playstation 2 console
  • Custom resolutions, up to 4096x4096, Anti Aliasing and Texture filtering to make your old PS2 games look better than their HD remakes!
  • Unlimited memory cards
  • Save states, enabling you to quick save and load practically anywhere in your game
  • Easy cheating using our pnach patching system
  • Use any controller (PS3,Xbox360 etc) that works on Windows, keyboards and mice
  • Increase or decrease the game speed by using the built-in frame-limiter for fast grinding or passing hard spots by slowing them down
  • Ability to record in full HD with the built-in video recorder (F12 using the GSdx plugin)
I can't make it work!

PCSX2 is not the simplest program out there although we try to do it as user-friendly as possible.

If you have problems running your game, first check our compatibility list. Is your game listed as Playable there? If not, PCSX2 does not support your game yet so you'll have to wait for a fix or try another game. If you can't find it in the list we don't know if it works or not since it has not been tested!

If your game is listed as playable, ask for help in our forum!

It works but its slow!

This is the most common problem users experience. PCSX2 is very hardware intensive program, especially on your processor.

It is highly recommended you read the first post of this thread: Will PCSX2 run fast on my computer? and if you still have questions reply to the thread, there are many helpful members who will answer.

What’s new in version 0.9.7

Version 0.9.7:
  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

You may download PCSX2 for older macOS versions here

View older PCSX2 versions

PCSX2 for Mac

In English
Version 0.9.7
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