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Pathology for Mac

XPath debugger and visualizer.

In English

Pathology overview

Pathology is a thoroughly Mac-native XPath debugger and visualizer written entirely in Cocoa. Pathology includes the innovative ability to debug your XPath queries by proceeding through them step-by-step.

Pathology includes:

  • A full-featured XPath text editor with syntax highlighting, and code auto-completion.
  • Several syntax highlighting themes to choose from (in Preferences).
  • Check 'Debug' to slowly proceed through the XPath expression step-by-step, seeing the filtered result nodes each step of the way.
  • An interactive console with click-able error messages that lead you right to the syntax or runtime errors in your XPath or source XML.
  • Each Pathology window is a ".pathology" document that can be edited, saved and re-opened later.
  • A query results table contains details on the selected nodes or items. Clicking on a row focuses the corresponding node in the source XML text.
  • Query result nodes are also highlighted conspicuously in the source XML text.
  • Pathology's XPath engine is powered by Panthro, an open-source implementation of XPath written in Objective-C that includes the ability to debug the evaluation of an XPath expression step-by-step.

What’s new in version 1.9

Version 1.9:
  • [Fix] Improved stability
View older Pathology versions

Pathology for Mac

In English
Version 1.9
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