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Pandora Radio for Mac

Stream similar tasting music using your iPhone.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Pandora Radio overview

Pandora Radio is your own FREE personalized radio now available to stream music on your iPhone. Just start with the name of one of your favorite artists, songs or classical composers and Pandora will create a "station" that plays their music and more music like it.

Already a Pandora user? Even easier. Just log in. Pandora on the iPhone is fully integrated with Pandora on the web. Enjoy all your existing stations - and create new ones right from your iPhone or iPod Touch.

What’s new in version 4.0

Version 4.0:
  • Share your latest discoveries with friends on Pandora, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Discover new music by following others on the Music Feed
  • Re-discover your favorite music on your profile page
  • Explore the artists and music you love directly on your device
  • Full lyrics for the songs we play
  • Artist biographies and discographies
  • Detailed track features from the Music Genome Project
  • Find even more music you'll love by adding variety to your stations
  • Enjoy constantly updated and expertly curated genre stations
  • Timer added to the track progress indicator - drag the player controls up to reveal the timer
  • Support for the taller iPhone 5 screen
  • Support for new BMW vehicles with the "BMW Apps" option, see bmwusa.com/apps for more details
  • Numerous stability and performance enhancements
View older Pandora Radio versions

Pandora Radio for Mac

In English
Version 4.0
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(2 Reviews of Pandora Radio)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jan 24 2012
Jan 24 2012
Version: 3.1.19
There has been a UI issue in the latest two version where the display "cuts off," leaving a large white space on the right 1/4 of the iPad screen in both landscape and standard views. I have un/reinstalled the app and restarted the iPad (which fixed the issue for one use). This is not only visually unappealing, but it corrupts the album view and some of the interface. I have emailed Pandora with no response and left another (of many) comments in iTunes. I have no issues with the actual performance of Pandora, but the UI inconvenience and unsightliness doesn't seem to be getting its due attention.
Apr 8 2009
Apr 8 2009
Version: 2.0.1
Would be kind of cool to make this a regular program with the same interface. I do love this on the iPhone, though. =)
Jan 24 2012
Jan 24 2012
Version: null