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Oxenfree for Mac

Supernatural thriller about a group of friends.

In English

Oxenfree overview

Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. Play as Alex, a bright, rebellious teenager who brings her new stepbrother Jonas to an overnight party on an old military island. The night takes a terrifying turn when you unwittingly open a ghostly gate spawned from the island’s cryptic past. How you deal with these events, your peers, and the ominous creatures you’ve unleashed is up to you.

What’s new in version 2.8.2

Version 2.8.2:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.9 or later

  • Fixed white square showing up over gameplay
  • Added localizations for French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian and Simplified Chinese
View older Oxenfree versions

Oxenfree for Mac

In English
Version 2.8.2
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