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Open LinkedIn for Mac

Open proprietary LinkedIn URLs from your address book.

In English

Open LinkedIn overview

Open LinkedIn allows you to open LinkedIn's proprietary URL scheme that you get in your contacts' address book entries when you enable LinkedIn's contact sync.

Easily access your contacts’ LinkedIn profile when you sync your iOS’ contacts with your LinkedIn connections.

Whenever you see "linkedin://" URLs in your address book, you’ll know how annoying it is to not be able to do anything with it. Until now - if you have Open LinkedIn installed, clicking on those pesky LinkedIn URLs will show your contact’s LinkedIn profiles!

Just follow these three simple steps to install Open LinkedIn

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:
  • Added a linger timeout so that the app waits for a while before quitting.
  • This should fix the app quitting prematurely before being able to receive URL open messages from other apps and hence not getting the LinkedIn URL open.
View older Open LinkedIn versions

Open LinkedIn for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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