O2J for Mac
One-way conversion of Objective-C source code to Java.
O2J automates one-way conversion of Objective-C source code to Java. It greatly reduces development time when porting Objective-C to Java. We estimate 80% time savings for most projects. The tool is highly sophisticated and customizable. You can customize type mappings from Objective-C to Java as well as method mappings with an easy to use template system. Conversion is super-fast is run directly on your Mac. Here are some of the translator features...
If you're new to Java you may find this tool valuable as a aid for learning Java if you have Objective-C experience.
Warning: Do not expect the tool to produce completely error-free Java code! You will likely need to spend time customizing and optimizing the conversion settings for your project to reduce the number of errors. Some code may not be translatable and will require manual conversion. We recommend testing every function of your converted code to make sure the translated code works as expected. That said, we believe the tool greatly reduces the time necessary for porting tasks for the vast majority of cases!
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