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ndCurveMaster for Mac

Unique multivariable curve fitting program that automates the fitting of nonlinear regression equations to your datasets, accommodating an unlimited number of input variables.

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ndCurveMaster overview

ndCurveMaster is a specialized software designed for multivariable curve fitting. It automatically applies nonlinear regression equations to your datasets, which can consist of observed or measured values. The software supports curve and surface fitting in 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, ..., nD dimensions. This means that no matter how complex your data is or how many variables it has, ndCurveMaster can handle it with ease.

For example, ndCurveMaster can efficiently derive an optimal equation for a dataset with six inputs (x1 to x6) and an output Y, such as: Y = a0 + a1 · exp(x1)^-0.5 + a2 · ln(x2)^8 + ... + a6 · x6^5.2, to accurately match measured values.

Utilizing machine learning numerical methods, ndCurveMaster automatically fits the most suitable nonlinear regression functions to your dataset and discovers the relationships between the inputs and output. This robust tool offers linear, polynomial, and nonlinear curve fitting, utilizes crucial validation and goodness-of-fit tests, and provides advanced assessments such as overfitting and multicollinearity detection (VIF and Pearson matrix).

ndCurveMaster enables rapid generation of high-quality results that can be effortlessly exported to Excel, Python, C/C++, and Pascal for further analysis.

Unique Features of ndCurveMaster:
  • Automated discovery of optimal nonlinear regression equations.
  • Integration of advanced fitting techniques and algorithms.
  • Comprehensive data analysis tool including ANOVA, p-test, Variable Sensitivity Analysis, Q-Q Plot and collinearity detection.
  • Robust tests for overfitting and multicollinearity to ensure accuracy.
  • Rapid generation of high-quality results with extensive export options.

Overall, if you are a researcher, scientist, or student who needs to analyze complex data sets, then look no further than ndCurveMaster!

What’s new in version

Variable Sensitivity Analysis:
  • Assess the significance of different variables within models.
  • Identify the most influential variables to improve model accuracy.
  • Make more informed decisions about model optimization and refinement.
View older ndCurveMaster versions

ndCurveMaster for Mac

In English
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