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MySQL Connector/J for Mac

Java driver for converting JDBC calls to MySQL network protocol.

In English

MySQL Connector/J overview

MySQL Connector/J is a native Java driver that converts JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) calls into the network protocol used by the MySQL database.

  • It lets developers working with the Java programming language easily build programs and applets that interact with MySQL and connect all corporate data, even in a heterogeneous environment.
  • MySQL Connector/J is a Type IV JDBC driver and has a complete JDBC feature set that supports the capabilities of MySQL.
Installation: copy the file mysql-connector-java-5.0.6-bin.jar to the directory /Library/Java/Extensions/.

What’s new in version 8.0.25

Version 8.0.25:
  • This release contains no functional changes and is published to align the version number with the MySQL Server 8.0.25 release.
View older MySQL Connector/J versions

MySQL Connector/J for Mac

In English
Version 8.0.25
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(1 Reviews of MySQL Connector/J)

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Feb 24 2020
Feb 24 2020
Version: 8.0.15
why i can not download this Connector for mac
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