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MusikAnywhere for Mac

Extract and convert audio to a specified codec/bitrate.

In English

MusikAnywhere overview

MusikAnywhere is a great utility for any Mac owner whose iTunes collection is filled with different media formats like AAC, MP3, and AIFF. It can be very problematic when you want to do an USB key for your car radio or if you want to put put audio files on a non-Apple device. MusikAnywhere can export and convert iTunes playlist content in the format of your choice. The tool can also be used to extract audio from any movie or video. After selecting the iTunes playlists that you want to export, MusikAnywhere will process the songs one-by-one and make sure each is in the specified format and bitrate. No more media mess. MusikAnywhere doesn’t affect your sources, but will create a copy of your files in the specified target folder that you choose, whether it's a local folder or even an USB key. Available in French and English.

What’s new in version 1.72

Version 1.72:
  • Updated transcoding engine
View older MusikAnywhere versions

MusikAnywhere for Mac

In English
Version 1.72
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