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Multi Counter for Mac

Multiple counters in a window.

In English

Multi Counter overview

Multi Counter allows to count a discrete number of elements of different kinds creating multiple customizable counters inside a single window Multi Counter is a must when you have to count multiple different things and you need a precise result With customisable names, sound feedback and other features you can be be confident you will avoid any mistake.

Easy to use
  • The list shows all the rows you inserted with an independent counter for each one
  • To add or subtract a value to a counter simply click the + or - button in the relative row
  • Possibility to create how many counters you need assigning a custom different name to each
  • You can add and remove counters at any time
  • In the details view you can subtracts and reset elements and change the name at any time
  • Solves any kind of situation where you have to enumerate a total number of elements (physical of abstract) and you want to be sure the process will be error free.
  • Simply and effective to count multiple kind of different items and avoid errors
  • Clean minimal and effective interface
  • Uses multiple rows, an independent counter for any row
  • All editable at any time
  • Add 1 with a click in the row on the + button
  • Subtract 1 with a click in the row on the - button
  • Add/delete/change how many rows you need
  • Conters can optionally go below 0
  • Custom name for any row
  • Optional confirmation request of any add and subtract or reset operation
  • Optional audio feedback for any unit you add (so you are sure you accomplished the addition when you want to do it).
  • Keeps the value counted over relaunch until you decide to reset it.
  • Gives you confidence you didn’t make mistakes in counting any kind of discrete elements (specially when counting them exactly is mandatory)

What’s new in version 1.0.3

  • Bug fixes
  • Improved User Guide
  • Optimized for macOS 14 Sonoma
View older Multi Counter versions

Multi Counter for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.3
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